On August 15, 2021, Twitter user tweeted a GIF of her crouch with the words 'She is so normal,' earning 7,700 likes and 1,000 retweets in four days (shown below). With her re-introduction to the series, Jack-O was also re-introduced to fans and introduced to a lot of newer fans of the game, creating a reignition of her previous meme. The announcement was posted by the channel ArcSystemsWork, where it earned 540,000 views in four days (shown below). Her design remains relatively the same as the previous entry, with the changes mainly due to the story events of XRD. She is the second character announced as part of the first season pass. On August 15th, 2021, it was announced on YouTube that the next character to be joining Guilty Gear Strive as a DLC character was Jack-O.